Baking for Dummies #9: Need to Know Techniques!

Need to Know Techniques!

Hello everyone! Post number 9 is here! Today and for the last post, I will be going over a few tips and tricks to use while you’re baking in order to have the best results. Some topics we will cover are folding/mixing techniques, sifting, whipping, and more. These simple tasks, if done correctly, can make a huge impact on the result of your baked goods. Let’s start discussing our first technique – folding and mixing!

When you hear the word “folding”, what do you think of? In the baking world, folding is a type of term used when someone is mixing a certain ingredient into a batter. For example, it is common to see recipes that say, “fold the egg whites into the batter”. When you read something like this, it usually refers to you mixing in a lighter ingredient such as egg whites, cream, and other lighter ingredients into your already made batter. The reasoning behind folding is from keeping the batter from becoming too thick or ruining the texture. The best way to fold is to use a spatula, and carefully take the spatula to the bottom of the bowl with a folding motion and move the batter over top of whatever you are needing to fold until everything is fully combined. Do not fold or stir too hard or fast because that defeats the purpose of using the folding method!

If you are not using the folding method and just simple mixing ingredients, still make sure to read your recipe carefully! Sometimes a recipe will ask for certain ingredients to be mixed separately or mixed at a certain time. Even though mixing things in a bowl is simple, you still must read the recipe and not go too overboard. For lighter batters such as cheesecake, mixing too much or too fast may change the texture of the batter, and you will not have the best results. When in doubt, be careful mixing and read the recipe!

I hope this post helps you guys improve your baked goods. In the next post, we will discuss the reasons behind sifting and whipping ingredients. Happy baking!
